Track Visualization and Dashboard Usage and Performance

I've searched and this question has been asked a number of times over the years. The 2 most recent being in September and October 2020.

  • I'd like to be able to see how often users are accessing our various dashboards?
  • Are there metrics for how long any given dashboard or visualization takes to load? Essentially RUM data for these objects.

I have a number of different use cases where the above data would help answer important questions.

Is there a way to do any of this?


I guess its very hard to triage the performance issue which can be caused by various things like how many charts are rendered at the same time as shown in the dashboard - you could remove some and see if the performance improves or is causing latency because of one chart. (usually charts with a lot of data points (small intervals) and/or multiple series (tens of them) It could also happen when using multiple indices and filters together.

You can monitor by few monitoring metrics as described here: View monitoring data in Kibana | Kibana Guide [8.3] | Elastic

But am also adding @markov00 for more inputs and insights into this.


Hi Rashmi,

Thanks for the quick response. It turns out we do have monitoring enabled. I've also looked over the link you provided and some of the links on that page. The metrics provided from the "Stack Monitoring" UI are much to high level. I need more granular information. I need to be able to trace back CPU, memory and elapsed time to specific visualization(s).

It also does not help me answer questions like:

  • how often is this dashboard/visualization opened?
  • which users/user groups have been opening a particular dashboard/visualization?
  • We have a Cross Cluster set up.
    -- Which spaces have the most activity?
    -- How often are users in space XYZ logging in and using there space?

I think you get the idea of the type of data I am looking to find. From this data, I could then create visualizations to answer these questions. Is it possible to get the underlying raw data?


TLDR there's nothing in the stack to do this at present.

I don't know if there's something in the pipeline though.

OK, thanks . . .

Seems like people keep asking for it year after year . . . search for yourself to see.

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