Trigger schedule without time intervals

hello, how can I make the trigger schedule run once and not have any time interval but only run once and already.

  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "interval": "1h"
  "input": {
    "search": {
      "request": {
        "search_type": "query_then_fetch",
        "indices": [
        "rest_total_hits_as_int": true,
        "body": {
          "size": 0,
          "query": {
            "bool": {
              "filter": [
                  "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                      "gte": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-5m",
                      "lte": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}",
                      "format": "strict_date_optional_time||basic_time_no_millis"
                  "term": {
                    "": "01-1-CAV30328203-DATOS-PPAL-2.7G-99.98"
          "aggs": {
            "metricAgg": {
              "max": {
                "field": "summary.down"
  "condition": {
    "script": {
      "source": " while (ctx.payload.aggregations.metricAgg.value != params.threshold ) {return=true; } return=false;",
      "lang": "painless",
      "params": {
        "threshold": 0
  "actions": {
    "email_1": {
      "email": {
        "profile": "standard",
        "attach_data": {
          "format": "json"
        "to": [
        "subject": "{{}} 01-1-CAV30328203-DATOS-PPAL-2.7G-99.98",
        "body": {
          "text": """Buen dia, Adjunto registro del reporte.

 ⚠️ALERTA NODO!!! El siguiente enlace perdió la conexión. 

 Estado: Down🔴 

 Nombre del Enlace: 01-1-CAV30328203-DATOS-PPAL-2.7G-99.98

 🕧Hora: {{ctx.execution_time}}  {{ctx.result.execution_time}}

 Área: Networking 

 🔔Mensaje Alerta: El enlace ha dejado de responder. Responder correo a 

 Ingrese aquí para más información:"""
  "transform": {
    "script": {
      "source": "HashMap result = new HashMap(); result.result = ctx.payload.aggregations.metricAgg.value; return result;",
      "lang": "painless",
      "params": {
        "threshold": 0

See the cron schedule

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