I have a hadoop cluster managed by Cloudera CDH 5.3.
I have ElasticSearch 1.4.4 installed in my master machine(
I have downloaded the marvel plugin and so access to my ES via :
I have created an index via sense named myindex with a type named mytype to
push my data in it later.
I did also install kibana 4 and changed the kibana.yml like this :
The host to bind the server to
host: ""
The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
elasticsearch_url: ""
I access to it via port 5601 (
Now I want to load a data I have in my hdfs into my ElasticSearch.
After dowloading the es-hadoop jar and adding it to the path.
This is how I proceeded :
--load the CDR.csv file
cdr= LOAD '/user/omar/CDR.csv' using PigStorage(';')
STORE cdr INTO 'myindex/mytype' USING
When I execute this; the job is a success !!!
BUT, nothing seems to appear in my ES !
- When I go and access to marvel, I don't find any documents in myindex !
2 )Neither in my Kibana plugin !
- Furthermore, when I want to consult the logs in the HUE, I can't find a
Why data isn't pushed in my ES?
What should I do to visualize it?
Why is my created job a success but none log is there to see what's
Any help? Thank you !
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