I'm mostly looking at the 'fetch' section of creating my own metricset.
The problem is that we have a custom service and we want to write a custom metricset to collect metrics from it.
I took a look at the docker images metricset.
Usually, if I want to get the status of the docker images, I'd open up my terminal and type 'docker images'.
I actually have no idea where the fetch method gets a function/line like this:
images, err :=m.dockerClient.ListImages(dc.ListImagesOptions())
not sure if ListImagesOptions was part of the metricbeat library, or if it was written up in a file elsewhere.
So my question is - should I be looking more closely into the directory to see if they've defined this method in there and try to emulate this?
Should I try to create a new metricset for my custom software, OR should I just create a new beat based off of metricbeat? I'm unsure of the differences between the two.
Thank you! I know C, but I do not know go unfortunately.
EDIT: I took a look at the MongoDB repositories and saw the API - I understand the process more clearly now.
I'm going to have to create an API on my application and have Go query it.