Trying to add windows winlogbeat and the standard dashboards, but dashboards are empty

Hi All
After rebuilding the entire elastic stack to 7.16.3 currently, I wanted to expand the elastic to also monitor our windows servers.

I have a winlogbeat config that looks like this:

  - name: Security
      logtype: winlogbeat
  - name: Application
      logtype: winlogbeat
  - name: System
      logtype: winlogbeat

  index.number_of_shards: 2

  hosts: [""]

My logstash pipeline config looks like this:

input {
        beats {
                port => 5000
                ecs_compatibility => disabled
        syslog {

#  Winlogbeat does not require processing   #
output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "https://elasticsearch:9200"
      index => "%{[fields][logtype]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM}"
      document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}"
      cacert => "/usr/share/logstash/config/certs/ca/ca.crt"
      user => XXX
      password => XXX

I can see data flowing nicely into elastic

but when I open the dashboards that are installed as per default, most of them are empty.
What did I do wrong?

Hello @fribse

Please execute this below command to load the default dashboards

./winlogbeat setup --dashboards

For more information, refer this below link

Hello @fribse

is the default dashboards loaded now with the beats data using the above command

Hello @fribse

Able to load the standard dashboards with your inputs??

Keep Posted !!! Thanks !!!

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