Trying to find the plugin download url for Kibana


I am trying to download and install APM plugin for Kibana according to this document Install Kibana plugins | Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes [2.9] | Elastic but I cannot find any download link for that plugin. anyone can help me on this?


Hi @Max_Karimi Welcome to the community.

Perhaps a little clarification...

APM is not a plugin it is built in functionality in Kibana.

Are you perhaps thinking about

Or is there a specific plug in you are looking for?

Hi, thanks. I have installed apm server but I need to add apm integration to my kibana instance but since our environment is offline and we do not have access to internet i cant installed the required apm integration. it is stated in kibana documents that plugins can be installed offline but i cant find any download link for them.

here is kibana logs: [2023-09-17T12:19:46.855+00:00][ERROR][plugins.fleet] Error connecting to package registry: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[2023-09-17T12:19:46.857+00:00][ERROR][plugins.fleet] Error connecting to package registry: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH

Hi @Max_Karimi

I think you are confusing plugins and integrations.

A Kibana plugin which adds new/additional functionality to Kibana like a new visualization type.

The list of most common plugins can be found here

APM is not a Kibana plug in.

The vast majority of elastic users do not use Kibana plugins.

On the other hand, integrations are used extensively. An integration is used to collect ingest and analyze data sources like nginx logs or Apache logs or cloud trail logs, or his metrics etc.

There are hundreds of integrations.

So perhaps before we answer more questions.

Can you tell us at a high level what you're trying to accomplish and perhaps we can help? I feel like we're down in details but don't know what you're trying to accomplish.

Tell us a bit about your environment. Are you on-prem or in the cloud or what? Highly regulated environment. No internet access?

For example, I want to collect an analyze APM data from Java client.

I also want to collect and analyze system logs and metrics.

Can you do something like that?

Are you aware of the differences between fleet and agent and beats? Here have you decided what approach you're going to use? That's just as important so we can help.

In the meantime Here a few questions to your details below though

Hi @Max_Karimi again there **is no•• APM integration to add to Kibana see above.

Are you using Fleet + Agents? If not, you can probably ignore this.

If you are There is documentation on how to run fleet in an air gapped environment or with no internet access.

So again, tell us what you actually want to accomplish and perhaps we can help.

Thanks for you response, indeed I am trying to use APM integration but in our environment which is highly regulated we do not have internet access so when we start kibana we cannot find apm panel and it is stated that you have to install apm integration. when we test this in our own PCs there is no problem whatsoever since we have access to internet.

The APM panel is always there under observability ... there may just be no data.

it should look like this

Did you successfully install the APM Server? You will need to do that...

There are 2 ways to do it please read this in detail you can do either in Air Gapped but the APM Server binary will probably be easier.

All you need to do now is use one of the Elastic APM Agents or and OTEL agent to send APM data to the APM Server.

So yeah I think the panels layout are a bit different and APM integration is installed by default. we will start sending data to APM server. thanks again!

Hi @Max_Karimi exactly what version are you on and can you take a screenshot?

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