Unable to Find Document, Searching Contents - Mapper Attachments Plugin

Hi David,

I have given a go using ES-2.0.2 and ES-ATT-3.0.4 and all types that are on my wish list worked fine :smile:
Only exception is the Image OCR text extraction that I didn't manage to get going.

According to this post ES-1.7.2 with ES-ATT-2.7.1 is capable of doing the Image OCR text extraction:

However, there is some fiddling around that needs doing to get tika / tesseract working fine (adjusting permissions from what I understood) - it would be great to have a 'how to' on that. Also, from the looks of it I can't use tika / tesseract and ES-2.x due to security measures / limitations :weary:

I have found this Java Lib (OCR) that seems to do some of the job::
Perhaps you guys could fork it and improve..

Anyways, thanks! :smiley: