Unable to fix "Content type detection for rest requests is deprecated. Specify the content type using the [Content-Type] header." in ES 5.6.1

Hi ..I am using _bulk for sending bulk requests to ES. When I run the code, I find the warning "Content type detection for rest requests is deprecated. Specify the content type using the [Content-Type] header.Deprecated field [template] used, expected [source] instead" as response and later it says status="BadRequest" in the log..Is there a way to set Content-type header manually? Tried a lot...Not able to fix it..Please help..Thanks in advance

The following is a part of the log image

What have you tried?

You need to also send the Content-Type HTTP header with the request. For the Bulk API, the header should be

Content-Type: application/x-ndjson

Thanks for the reply..i have read the Bulk api doc attached...But am unable to change the content-type that is set..The content-type that is set is application/json.Can I set the Content-type to spplication/x-ndjson for Bulk API manually..Can it be done using curl command? Please suggest

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