Unable to get the field value of context.group.agent.name while configuring the alerts to index connector

While configuring the custom threshold rule in kibana with index connector im not able to get the value for field context.group.agent.name. As i want to use agent.name in another field/keyword. what is the syntax to get the agent.name from the below field context.group as context.group.agent.name is not working.

context.group: {"field":"agent.name","value":"ABC123"},{"field":"nginx_ingress_controller.access.upstream.name","value":"arp-portal-service-9036"},{"field":"url.path","value":"/signewportal/upload"}

Also how to access the value of the condtion...
cond1_value: "{{context.value.condition1}}" is not working. whether am i missing anything?

Sir..kindly guide us on this?

can anyone help us?