Unable to import vsphere dashboards into kibana

Hello i am unable to import vsphere dashboards into kibana.
after installing with yum i don't even see the files for it so i got it from github which has the vsphere files called


but when i try to import them into kibana in saved object i get the error:

any help would be great!!!!

i found these two files in the metricbeat on github


i put them into the /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboards/ directory and i ran the command

metricbeat setup --dashboards

and i recieved this error

Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Exiting: Failed to import dashboard: Failed to load directory /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard:
error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard/metricbeat-vsphere-host.json: failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7'. Preview of field's value: '{filter=, query={query=, language=kuery}}'. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7","type":"dashboard","error":{"message":"failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da... (truncated)
error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard/metricbeat-vsphere-vm.json: failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7'. Preview of field's value: '{filter=, query={query=, language=kuery}}'. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7","type":"dashboard","error":{"message":"failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da... (truncated)

it seems there is somthing wrong with the dashboards?

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