How to import vsphere dashboards in Kibana


I've been using metricbeat with an elk stack for couple days and i'm now trying to get dashboards for vsphere.
I've read the doc on the wiki, and they mention that there are dashboards available for Vsphere module, but i cannot find them on my dashboard panel.

So after couple searches i've found said dashboard inside the Github repo :
metricbeat-vsphere-host.json and metricbeat-vsphere-vm.json

But i can't seem to import them using the json format.
I also tried to put them inside the dashboard directory.

thanks for your time,

i am also having this issue.

i moved the vsphere dashboards into the dashboard directory and recieved this

[root@jb metricbeat]# /usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat -c /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml -path.home /usr/share/metricbeat -path.config /etc/metricbeat /var/lib/metricbeat setup --dashboards
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Exiting: Failed to import dashboard: Failed to load directory /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard:
error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard/metricbeat-vsphere-host.json: failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7'. Preview of field's value: '{filter=, query={query=, language=kuery}}'. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7","type":"dashboard","error":{"message":"failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:0ebd0be0-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da... (truncated)
error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard/metricbeat-vsphere-vm.json: failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7'. Preview of field's value: '{filter=, query={query=, language=kuery}}'. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da7","type":"dashboard","error":{"message":"failed to parse field [dashboard.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON] of type [text] in document with id 'dashboard:8a2d1540-f049-11e9-aaf3-15199b632da... (truncated)


The two vsphere dashboards in the github are not compatible with current Elastic 7.x version. You need to read the json file and re-create the dashboards manually. This is exactly what I have done in my environment.

does anyone know if there is there anyway to make them usable in the current version? recreating all of those dashboards seems like a very big task

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