Unable to login using elastic


I have upgraded elastic 6.8 to 7.17.
and i have taken the .security-6 file backup as .security-6-reindexed.

but. while performing upgrade to 8.x.x version. nodes are showing the following error

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Alias [.security] points to more than one index: [[.security-6/cOoc42eJRo2xwdocrrgEeQ], [.security-6-reindexed/kC-abcdefghi]]

and elastic user is not able to authenticate. any suggestion, how can i fix this.

Much appreciated!

Just remove alias from old version pf security index so that .security alias onlh points to new index

It can't be. Since security index holds the login info I guess, so elastic user is not getting authorized.

Btw, Thanks for your response .

I have reinstalled the cluster.

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