Unable to open editor wherein I can issue curl command

Unable to open editor wherein I can issue curl command .I have installed Elastic Search , logstash and kibana in Windows platform .Please advise so that I can import log data using logstash and parse and aggregate data using elasticsearch .

Curl is just a simple interface to http there are many alternatives here are a few options off the top of my head which you can do.

Hope one of these fit your needs.

Thanks eperry ,I will try elasticsearch .I am new to this search engine and I am just following documents available in elasticsearch manual . I am not so familiar with java script and curl seems to be easier to me . I just want to configure elasticsearch and play with it.

Ok then the elasticsearc-Head Plugin gives you a good view in to everything and Kibana is great for searching.

Once you get past that step then you probably want to download the windows version of curl as all examples are given in it.So it is easier not to do "translations" from one tool to another.

Good luck it is a fun product!

Kopf is an updated version of Head, it's much nicer Ii think :slight_smile:

Thanks! I just looked at the web page and looks great. I'll take a look during the week!