Unable to output container password details when using ansible with podman

Hi, when using ansible-podman, I am unable to output the std-out of the container run command as I might do when using the command line. This means that I don't get to see the automatically generated password and keystore password, along with other details.
Even when using the tty parameter of the ansible-podman-container, the logs report:

Auto-configuration will not generate a password for the elastic built-in superuser, as we cannot determine if there is a terminal attached to the elasticsearch process. You can use the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool to set the password for the elastic user."
There is no elastic user created, and when I exec into the container, the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool fails with:

ROR: Failed to reset password for the [elasticsearch] user

As https is standard on the 8.5 image, I am unable to use it, as I cannot set up auth properly. Also, I cannot use apt to install an editor, as the user elasticsearch does not have sufficient permissions.
If you think this is a podman error then please let me know, and I will hassle the devs, and see if I can't get better output and tty detection etc.

An alternative I have tried is using ansible to run a shell command, but the output is no different.

What I really want is to be able to obtain the password to output to an ansible variable so that I can spin up a pod of containers, including elasticsearch, for running tests.

Alternatively, I can use elasticsearch 7.17.7 with http, but I am going to need encryption for production, and there doesn't seem to be a way to do it with ansible.

Perhaps there is an environment variable that I am missing that I could set to create the password? I have tried setting ELASTIC_PASSWORD, but it is of no help.

I am connecting from django using django-elasticsearch-dsl, and get the following error, when verify_cert is set to false:

AuthenticationException(401, 'security_exception', 'missing authentication credentials for REST request [/forum_posts_index/_search]')

Any help gratefully received :slight_smile:

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