Unable to run connector service

I am trying to set-up a PostgreSQL connector

Following this set of instructions, I could not find a config.yml file in the clone so I created one myself. When I ran make file, I get this error:

python3.10 -m venv .
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, python3.10 -m venv ., ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [bin/python] Error 2

Could anyone help with explaining what is the issue?

Hi Lim_Rik!

Do you run the command make file? There's no such command - you should, however, be able to run make run or make test commands that will run or test the connectors service.


sorry I meant to say that I ran make run

I see.

Can you describe your setup? Are you running on a unix system or using unix subsystem for Windows?

Do you have python3.10 installed on this host?

I am running on a unix subsystem for Windows and have python installed.

Searching around led me to this Stack Overflow post:

Unfortunately I don't have a Windows machine to check, but it makes sense from looking at it.

The error that you see seems to point to the fact that make cannot for some reason run python3.10. This can happen due to various reasons (see the linked stack overflow post).

You can try:

  • Verifying that python3.10 is in your %PATH%
  • Installing GNU make

Am I supposed to make my own config.yml file? Because the github repository only comes with a config.yml.example file

If you use make run command the file will be created for you by copying config.yml.example file. You can also do it yourself before starting the service.

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