Unable to use es.index.read.missing.as.empty with spark sql

I'm trying to read data with spark in elasticsearch on indexe that could not exist, since my index has a date pattern. Since it's expected in my situation I only want an empty dataset. Is there a way to do it?

I'm using Spark 2.2.1 and elasticsearch 5.6.7 and I did try setting "es.index.read.missing.as.empty" to yes and provide my StructType without any luck.

Here is a sample of my code:

 val elasticSearchSchema = new StructType()
   .add("name", StringType)
   .add("client", StringType)
   .add("timestamp", TimestampType)

val keepOnlySessionWithinPeriod =

val loadFromElastic = sparkSession


Facing the same issue. The flag "es.index.read.missing.as.empty" doesn't seem to work.
In my case, path has two indices one exists and one doesn't.

I see that you've found it, but this is a known issue: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop/issues/1055

With spark SQL, the behaviour is an exception and not an empty result and in my specific case, i don't query multiple indices. Since my indices are time base, I know how my index are named, I just don't know if it exist.
Right now I'm getting an exception and the spark process terminate. What I'm expecting is to get the empty result so that I can continue my process and re-insert data in elastic like I can do with basic http request with the flags ignore_unavailable and allow_no_indices.

I've been able to dig up to the fact that even if we provide a schema the Datasource classe try to load the mapping. See line DefaultSource.scala.

I did try to fix it, but i had 1 other test failing and getting 1 integration running was nearly impossible. I had to wait 30 minutes+ to test my code and for now I've been able to use my global alias to search my data.

any timeline on when this issue will be addressed? Bit of a dealbreaker for us.

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