Understanding Cluster health from local node


what does it mean to do GET /_cluster/health? with local = true passed as query parameter

ElasticSearch documentation says
If true returns the local node information and does not provide the state from master node. Default: false.

Does this mean that setting local to true will give a cluster health as seen from local node ? or does it tell about the state of the indices/shards that are present in local node as opposed to masternode. If latter holds true, what does the status green|red|yellow status indicate since we are talking about only 1 node and not the master

In what scenarios setting local to true and setting local to false will give different results?

Yes, you could use it to tell if there's been a split brain for eg.

does this also mean,
when there is no split brain, setting local to true is same as setting to false ?

The results should be the same, yes.

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