Unique Count Aggregation filtering

** I was wondering if the below described is possible to display on Kibana.
With a sample data as below, and the unique identifier being the 'sessionId'

What i'm trying to do is create any vizualization (lets say a table) where:

  1. if two documents with the same sessionId has the value 'Push Notification' and 'SMS Extra Pin', this should display a count of 1 (with the label 'SMS Extra Pin')
  2. if two documents with the same sessionId has on both only the value 'Push Notification', this should display a count of 1 (with the label 'Push Notification')
	"hits": [{
		"_index": "test-2022.02.07",
		"_type": "_doc",
		"_id": "1NNO034B-tVqz_6byU-H",
		"_score": 8.699561,
		"_source": {
			"methodName": "MoveNext",
			"app": "WebApi",
			"level": "INFO",
			"sessionId": "k0aneyp4uokzc0ekuz2gtd5h",
			"request": {
				"SessionKey": "****************",
				"TransactionalPinType": "SMS Extra Pin"
	}, {
		"_index": "test-2022.02.07",
		"_type": "_doc",
		"_id": "1NNO034B-tVqz_6byU-H",
		"_score": 8.699561,
		"_source": {
			"methodName": "MoveNext",
			"app": "WebApi",
			"level": "INFO",
			"sessionId": "k0aneyp4uokzc0ekuz2gtd5h",
			"request": {
				"SessionKey": "****************",
				"TransactionalPinType": "Push Notification"

Is this correct? "Unique count" should be 2, isn't it?

If so, it is cardinality aggregation.

So in the above Case, since the same SessionId has both "SMS Extra Pin" and "Push Notification" it should display a count of 1.

I tried using Filter with KQL while using Unique count on "sessionID"

request.TransactionalPinType.keyword : "SMS Extra Pin" and request.TransactionalPinType.keyword : "Push Notification"

but it returns any instance that includes "SMS Extra Pin" in a document (doesn't aggregate based on sessionID, if that makes any sense)

I don't understand why a SessionId with "2" values ("SMS Extra Pin" and "Push Notification") is counted as 1. Please define the rule of count not only showing an example.

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