Updating an index setting

Currently I have the following on one of my indexes.

    "analysis": {
         "filter": {
              "custom_edge_ngram": {
                  "type": "edge_ngram",
                  "min_gram": "1",
                  "max_gram": "10"

If i need to increase the max_gram, to say 15, would that require creating a new index? If not, will the changes be reflected immediately while searching?

Yes, you would need to reindex existing data to have that applied to it.

Hey Mark,

So if I close the index temporarily, update the setting, re-open the index and "re-prime" my index, that should basically do it?

Also, how long does closing/opening an index take? We currently have about 1.5 million documents, if that matters.

What is repriming an index?

Re-priming just means upserting docs again.

Reindexing then, yes that will work.

Perfect. Thanks.

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