Updating date fields not working

I have a document that I am trying to update and it contains a date. If the source gets updated (in a RDBMS) then I am trying to update the document in elasticsearch.

The document, ID 1, is like this:

        '@timestamp': '2019-09-12T10:00:00',
        'created_time': '2019-09-12T10:00:00',
        'updated_time': '2019-09-12T10:00:00',
        'fname': 'joe',
        'lname': 'smyth'

The update doc, also ID 1, looks like:

        '@timestamp': '2019-09-12T10:00:00',
        'created_time': '2019-09-12T10:00:00',
        'updated_time': '2019-09-12T11:30:00',
        'fname': 'joe',
        'lname': 'smyth'

If I do an insert (PUT /index/1) and replace the entire document, the version is incremented BUT the update_time field is NOT changed.
If I do an update (POST /index/_update/1) then nothing is updated (result is noop).

What gives? Are dates NON-updateable?

Just a follow-up note on this, I did some more testing and found that if I change lname to smith and also change updated_time then, as expected lname is properly updated. However, updated_time is still NOT updated. Both methods (index and update) result in the update of lname but NOT updated_time.

I was able to print the result of the update and with only the date in the update command (updated_time), as such:

{'doc': {'updated_time': '2019-09-15T22:55:26.079445'}}

The result is:

{'_index': 'index', '_type': 'doc', '_id': '999999', '_version': 5, 
'result': 'noop', '_shards': {'total': 0, 'successful': 0, 'failed': 0}}

can you please share a fully reproducible example including index creation, document indexing and updating along with the elasticsearch version you are using? Thank you!

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