Updating to version 7.17.15 caused the 'Failed to publish events' issue caused connection reset by peer

After updating Elasticsearch and Logstash from version 7.17.5 to 7.17.15, all Filebeat instances sporadically encounter the following error in the log file:

caa27ea3-c641-4ad2-9f03-578f008a4013'} 2023-12-06T16:06:56.260Z ERROR [logstash] logstash/async.go:280 Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp 10.84.x.x:62882->10.77.x.x:5044: write: connection reset by peer 2023-12-06T16:06:56.260Z INFO [publisher] pipeline/retry.go:219 retryer: send unwait signal to consumer 2023-12-06T16:06:56.260Z INFO [publisher] pipeline/retry.go:223 done 2023-12-06T16:06:57.935Z ERROR [publisher_pipeline_output] pipeline/output.go:180 failed to publish events: write tcp 10.84.x.x:62882->10.77.x.x:5044: write: connection reset by peer 2023-12-06T16:06:57.935Z INFO [publisher_pipeline_output] pipeline/output.go:143 Connecting to backoff(async(tcp://itxxx-oxlogstash-bs-qa-01.server.lan:5044)) 2023-12-06T16:06:57.936Z INFO [publisher] pipeline/retry.go:219 retryer: send unwait signal to consumer 2023-12-06T16:06:57.936Z INFO [publisher] pipeline/retry.go:223 done 2023-12-06T16:06:57.937Z INFO [publisher_pipeline_output] pipeline/output.go:151 Connection to backoff(async(tcp://itxxx-oxlogstash-bs-qa-01.server.lan:5044)) established

I updated Filebeat from version 7.17.1 to 7.17.15, but the problem still exists

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