Upgraded 1.0 to 6.0


"I am newer to Elastic Search",

I have upgraded client to 6.0 from 1.0). Now I have resolved the conflicts and features which are deprecated in newer version(Plenty of changes).

Its C#.

Previously we were using fuzzy for Like query as per below,

//.Fuzzy(f => f
//.OnField(new List() { "strings"}).LikeText((string)"N").PrefixLength(((string)"N").Length));

Now I have to use More Like This query (I am not sure) as per below I have implemented,

//.MoreLikeThis(m => m
// .Fields(f => f
// .Fields(g => new List() { ("strings") })
// )
// .Like(l => l
// .Text((string)"N")
// )
// );

But I am not getting the result.

I need help to figure this out.


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