Upgrading elasticsearch kibana and filebeat

Hi all,

we are running below on the kubernetes.

Daemonset :

logging-elk-filebeat-ds Image: filebeat:6.6.1

Deployments :

logging-elk-client Image: elasticsearch:6.6.1
logging-elk-kibana Image: kibana:6.6.1
logging-elk-master Image: elasticsearch:6.6.1
logging-elk-logstash Image: logstash:6.6.1

I want to upgrade it to the latest version, I'm not able to find the documentation related to the upgrading in kubernetes.
my question is if I upgrade filebeat to the version 6.7.0, will it be compatible with elk stack 6.6.1, before I upgrade it to the 6.7.0

if you guys have any link to the documentation on upgrading elk stack and filebeat on kubernetes, please share it.

Thanks in advance.


Manoj Kumar.

You have posted this on the ECK (Kubernetes operator) forum but your deployment doesn't seem to be managed by ECK as the minimum version we support is 6.8.

Stack upgrade instructions can be found at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack/current/upgrading-elastic-stack.html.