Use Analyzer on search text

I'm relatively new for elastic search. I have used edge_ngram analyzer at the index time and It created ngrams like this. (elastic -> elas,elast,elasti, elastic)


Index has created ngrams accordingly. now I want to implement a search functionality top of this index. search should work like this. if I search elast it should return only elast. not the both elas & elast. According to my understand I have to use analyzer at the search also. if I'm correct how do I use analyzer at the search query? Do I need to use same analyzer which I used for indexing or do I need to create new analyzer? Here's my query.

              QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery(queryMap.get("orderId"), "id", "publicId")

Thank you

You need to define a search_analyzer. I'd recommend using the simple analyzer.

An example here:

      "autocomplete": {
        "type": "text",
        "analyzer": "autocomplete",
        "search_analyzer": "simple"


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