Use "calculate" to make an operation on a flattened field in Vega

I'm trying to make a simple multiplication operation on a flattened field, but I don't seem to be able to access the flattened fields in the calculation.

For instance, if I make this multiplication operation with non-flattened fields, it works fine:

  format: {
      property: aggregations.freqs.freq.buckets
  transform: [
      calculate: datum.rangos.buckets
      as: snr_rangos
      flatten: [
      calculate: datum.key
      as: frequencies
      calculate: datum.doc_count
      as: devices
    calculate: datum.doc_count * 100
    as: result

But if I try to make the same simple operation on the flattened snr_rangos, I get an error: Unrecognized signal name: "snr_rangos":

   format: {
      property: aggregations.freqs.freq.buckets
  transform: [
      calculate: datum.rangos.buckets
      as: snr_rangos
      flatten: [
      calculate: datum.key
      as: frequencies
      calculate: datum.doc_count
      as: devices
    calculate: snr_rangos.doc_count * 100
    as: result

The flatten is working fine, I am perfectly able to use the fields from snr_rangos on the enconding later. This works fine:

encoding: {
    x: {
      field: frequencies
      axis: {
        title: DVB-C frequency
    y: {
      field: snr_rangos.doc_count
      type: quantitative
      axis: {
        title: "# of devices"

It's only the calculate on the flattened snr_rangos that does not seem to work :frowning:

Is there any way to perform a "calculate" on a flattened field?

Thanks so much in advance for your insights!

Fixed this by making a calculate in the transform section:

      flatten: [
      as: S
      calculate: datum.key
      as: frequencies
      calculate: datum.doc_count
      as: devices
      calculate: datum.S.doc_count * 100 / datum.doc_count
      as: devices_percent
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