Use watcher index action with multiple documents

I have an index and I am using a watcher to monitor it.
When a condition is met, I want to copy each document to a different index.

I'm following the example here:

  "index_payload": {
    "transform": {
      "script": """
      def documents =
        .map(hit -> [
          "_index": "my-index-000001", 
          "_id": hit._id, 
          "severity": "Sev: " + hit._source.severity 
      return [ "_doc" : documents]; 
    "index": {} 

But it does not copy other fields from the original document.

Is there a way to copy all the fields AND add a new field to each document?

Thank you

Figured it out myself, posting here for posterity.

This code will copy each document from the input to the target index, adding a inventory_time with the time the task ran at.

"actions": {
    "index_payload": {
      "transform": {
        "script": {
          "source": """
          def documents =
            .map(hit -> [
              "_index": "daily-inventory", 
              "_id": hit._id, 
              "inventory_time": ctx['trigger']['scheduled_time'],
              "source": hit._source.entrySet().stream()
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue))
          return [ "_doc" : documents]; 
          "lang": "painless"
      "index": {}
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And if you want a new document to be created each time, get rid of the "_id" field. A new one will be generated each time the script runs

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Thanks for sharing your solution @lizozom

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