Hi all,
We are currently testing Elastic APM with .NET microservices (already using it in the Java environment) and we are a bit confused about the different integration options:
We started with the NuGet approach because we wanted to use the MongoDB instrumentation, which is available as NuGet package. Now, we want to also add the Kafka instrumentation which is - according to this documentation - only available as profiler auto instrumentation. But switching to this technique is not possible because MongoDB does not support it.
So, my question is: Is it possible to use the "best of both worlds" and use MongoDB NuGet package together with auto instrumentation for Kafka or what would you recommend?
Best regards
Kibana version: 8.7.0
Elasticsearch version: 8.7.0
APM Server version: 8.7.0
APM Agent language and version: .NET 1.22.0