Using Canvas to conditionally format an element powered by a query based on a previous timeframe of the same query

Hi all,

I am currently working on a dashboard to enable me to display a traffic light system showing errors by my column "callsite". I have worked out how to conditionally format, and I have worked out how to create a second query duplicating my result set but offsetting it by 7 days historically.

What I am stuck with is conditionally formatting element A based upon query B (A - 7 Days).

my current code looks like this:

Query A


    | essql

      query="SELECT * FROM \"emma*\" where environment.keyword='UAT' and level.keyword='ERROR' and callsite.keyword = 'AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program'"

    | math "size(message)"

    | metric "Errors triggered by AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program"

      metricFont={font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color={if {gt 0} then="red" else="black"} align="center" lHeight=48}

      labelFont={font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color={if {gt 0} then="red" else="black"} align="center"}

    | render

Query B


    | essql

      query="SELECT * FROM \"emma*\" where environment.keyword='UAT' and level.keyword='ERROR' and callsite.keyword = 'AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program' AND \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 8 DAYS AND \"@timestamp\" < Now() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS"

    | math "size(message)"

    | metric "Errors triggered by Agility ToEmmaUserSync.Program"

      metricFont={font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center" lHeight=48}

      labelFont={font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center"}

    | render

Can I somehow reference or insert Query B into the conditional formatting element of Query A? I have tried color={if{gt (QUERYB)}} by typing the query out again, but this is not providing the desired results.

Thank you for your time


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@dgbarrow The only way to achieve this is to insert query B as part of the sub-expression for conditionally setting the color.

It would look something like this:

| essql query="SELECT * FROM \"emma*\" where environment.keyword='UAT' and level.keyword='ERROR' and callsite.keyword = 'AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program'"
| math "size(message)"
| metric "Errors triggered by AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program"
  metricFont={font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color={
    if {
      gt {
        essql query="SELECT * FROM \"emma*\" where environment.keyword='UAT' and level.keyword='ERROR' and callsite.keyword = 'AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program' AND \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 8 DAYS AND \"@timestamp\" < Now() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS" 
        | math "size(message)"
    } then="red" else="black"} align="center" lHeight=48}
  labelFont={font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color={
    if {
      gt {
        essql query="SELECT * FROM \"emma*\" where environment.keyword='UAT' and level.keyword='ERROR' and callsite.keyword = 'AgilityToEmmaUserSync.Program' AND \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 8 DAYS AND \"@timestamp\" < Now() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS" 
        | math "size(message)"
    } then="red" else="black"} align="center"}
| render

Hi Catherine,

Thank you so much for your response.

This is throwing an error -

[metric] > [font] > [if] > [gt] > [essql] > Can not cast 'number' to any of 'filter'.

Is this telling me that the gt function expects a type 'filter', and the query is returning a number?



Hi @Catherine_Liu, sorry to pester but could you explain this problem to me? I understand that effectively you cannot parse a query result into a mathematical equation in ESSQL the same way you can in SQL, but is there an alternative way of doing this which would enable me to achieve the desired result?



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