Using kv and Grok Pattern in Ingest Pipelines

I am trying to extract a log-pattern


example message:

[INFO   ] (core.workflow) Start scan, workflow_id='lms::workflow::WorkflowExecutor(0x259c99f94b0, name = "WF-")', dataId='4d66c5069365476a8f36431e6369ab0b', fileName='winlogbeat.yml' [msgid: 3491]

In the pipeline I have two filters:

(1) Grok: That extracts level, component, kvmessage and mid - This works.
(2) kv: I want to now split values like workflow_id, name etc as key value pairs. However, this is not working. Would appreciate some assistance.

        "grok": {
          "field": "message",
          "patterns": [
            "\\[%{WORD:level}\\s*\\]: \\(%{COMPONENT:component}\\) %{MSG:kvmessage}\\[%{GREEDYDATA:mid}\\]"
          "pattern_definitions": {
            "COMPONENT": "\\w*.\\w*",
            "STATUS": "\\w*\\s\\w*",
            "MSG": "[^\\[]*"
          "ignore_missing": true
        "kv": {
          "field": "kvmessage",
          "field_split": ",",
          "value_split": "="

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