I'm trying to use watcher with ES 1.7.1 to send email alerts every 10s.
I installed Watcher plugin, configured ES to allow sending emails and created my watch (i think) successfully, but I didn't receive any emails:
- ES configuration in elasticsearch.yml for email activation:
#watcher configuration watcher.actions.email.service.account: gmail: profile: gmail smtp: auth: true starttls.enable: true host: smtp.gmail.com port: 587 user: ************@gmail.com password: **************
- My watch
PUT http://localhost:9200/_watcher/watch/event_fake_token { "trigger": { "schedule": { "interval": "10s" } }, "input": { "search": { "request": { "indices": [ "fouras_logs-*" ], "body": { "query": { "match": { "message": "fake token" } } } } } }, "condition": { "compare": { "ctx.payload.hits.total": { "gt": 0 } } }, "actions": { "email_admin": { "email": { "to": "'Jemli Fathi < jemlifathi2013@gmail.com@gmail.com >'", "subject": "{{ctx.watch_id}} executed", "body": "{{ctx.watch_id}} executed with {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} hits" } } } }