Vega Infinite extent for field error


I am creating scatter plot and its working fine until I choose time range from calendar which does not contain data. I have data until May 2021 so when I go for 1 Year its fine, but when I choose last 4 months, it gives me error - for X axis Infinite extent for field "time": [Infinity, -Infinity] and also error for Y axis Infinite extent for field "Kilometers": [Infinity, -Infinity].

Its probably problem in date conversation but why its working for periods containing data and why is it giving me error for kilometers as well. Any help here please?

Elastic query returns timefield in unix time.

Thank you

(I have same problem also with line chart in vega)

  data: {
    url: {
      %context%: true
      %timefield%: timefield
      index: indextrains
      body: {
        size: 10000
        _source: [
    format: {
      property: hits.hits
  transform: [
      calculate: datetime(datum._source['timefield'])
      as: time
      calculate: datum._source['km']
      as: Kilometers
  mark: {
    type: circle
  encoding: {
    x: {
      field: time
      type: temporal
    y: {
      field: Kilometers
      type: quantitative

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