Vega sankey sort by

I have netflow data indexing and am working on using the code below to make a sankey chart. On the chart I've identified that it is sorting by IP address alphabetically and not by the sum of my "network.bytes" field as I want it to.

How can I set the chart to sort the source.ip.keyword field by the sum of network.packets?

  "$schema": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "rawData",
      "url": {
        "%context%": true,
        "%timefield%": "@timestamp",
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          "size": 0,
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            "table": {
              "composite": {
                "size": 1000,
                "sources": [
                  {"stk1": {"terms": {"field": "source.ip.keyword"}}},
                  {"stk2": {"terms": {"field": "destination.ip.keyword"}}}
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        				"bytes": {
        					"sum": {
        						"field": "network.bytes"
      "format": {"property": "aggregations.table.buckets"},
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        {"type": "fold", "fields": ["stk1", "stk2"], "as": ["stack", "grpId"]},
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          "expr": "datum.stack == 'stk1' ? datum.stk1+datum.stk2 : datum.stk2+datum.stk1",
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      "transform": [
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          "ops": ["sum"],
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          "field": "total"
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          "expr": "'y')[1]",
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          "type": "formula",
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          "as": "strokeWidth"
          "type": "formula",
          "expr": "datum.size/domain('y')[1]",
          "as": "percentage"
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      "domain": {"data": "rawData", "fields": ["stk1","stk2"]}
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      "type": "ordinal",
      "range": ["Source", "Dest"],
      "domain": ["stk1", "stk2"]
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      "orient": "bottom",
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@nyuriks can you please shed some light here?


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