Vega stacked bar plot group by

I have an an scripted field "TotalCapacity" which return string "Error" or "OK". I want to count how many of "Error" and "Ok" i have in different timestamp. I have many returns of "TotalCapacity" for one vehicle so i want to group by "vehicleid" i know that this is posible in VEGA but i dont know how to do it.

I want something like on pic, but grouped by "vehicle id"

This is my Vega code but does not work:

data: {
 url: {
  %timefield%: @timestamp
  %context%: true
  index: rti-warnings*
  body: {
    size: 0
    aggs: {
      report: {
        date_histogram: {
          field: @timestamp
          interval: {%autointerval%: true}
        aggs: {
          Total: {
            cardinality: {field: "TotalCapacity"}
          Vehicle: {
           cardinality: {field: "vehicleid"}
format: {property: ""}
mark: bar
transform: [
  aggregate: [
    {op: "count", field: "Total", as: "Sum"}
  groupby: ["Vehicle.value"]
encoding: {
x: {field: "key", timeUnit: "date", type: "temporal", axis: {title: false} }
y: { field: "Sum", type: "quantitative" }


Are you looking to do this solely in Vega-Lite? Or would doing this in Vega work for you? If you are good with Vega, I can help you out pretty easily there.


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