Version of common.inject used in Elasticsearch 6.2.4

Which version of org.elasticsearch.common.inject lib (Guice) is used in Elasticsearch 6.2.4 ?

Run from your project:

mvn dependency:tree

and you should find it may be.

But anyway this version is so old that you should not look at it :wink:

Could not find that version using below command :

mvn dependency:tree

I understand what you asked for. You wanted to know what was the guice version used? But as was said in the other thread Version of org.elasticsearch.common.inject library used in Elasticsearch 7.10.2, you should upgrade your version...

But anyway, the java code is now living in elasticsearch/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/inject at main · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub and I'm not sure there's a direct dependency to Guice anymore.