Version of org.elasticsearch.common.inject library used in Elasticsearch 7.10.2

How to know which version of org.elasticsearch.common.inject library used in Elasticsearch 7.10.2 ?

I don't think I understand the question fully but my answer is "7.10.2".

Just to be clear Elastic search(v7.10.2) uses these classes elasticsearch/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/inject at v7.10.2 · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub .
So you are saying it's version is also 7.10.2 .
Are those classes developed as part of elasticsearch or taken Google Guice inject library ?

From what I can recall it's coming from Guice with a relocation. Can't remember what the version is.

Out of curiosity, what do you need this for?

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We need this information to create SBOM and our security software scan this version for security vulnerability .

You are running a version that is over 3 years old and has been EOL and unmaintained for years. If security is a concern I would recommend you upgrade to the latest maintained version.