We are getting the below error from elastic search while my application is running in a multi threaded environment and number of threads are almost 25:
2018-05-01 17:56:57,802 ERROR [com.sicap.targetme.svc.utils.SimpleDelayQueueChannel] (STC-Consumer-Threadpool-62715 2018-05-01 17:56:56.652 MSISDN: 966503236382, CAMPAIGN: VoLTE_LIVE, PROFILE: VoLTE_LIVE) Failures occurs while inserted data in ElaticSearch : failure in bulk execution: [3]: index [stc], type [campaign], id [324_966567885550], message [[stc][[stc][3]] VersionConflictEngineException[[campaign][324_966567885550]: version conflict, current [6], provided [5]]]
What could be the issue. My running elastic search version is 2.3.2
Regards, Rajib