I’m trying to create a vertical bar that presents tests, their start time, name and status.
I want it to be sorted by date (field name: e2e_test_start_time), colored by status (e2e_test_status_str), and on mouse hover over one of the bars, I would like the test name to be written there as well as the start time and status.
It should look something like this (red-yellow bars should be red only):
I’ve tried doing so, but I couldn’t get the result I wanted.
I first sorted it by date (1), and then added sub-bucket (split series) with Terms aggregation on my status field. it did color the bars by status like I wanted, but it also caused the bars to be sorted by status and only then by date (2).
What can I do to make this work?
Is it possible to do so in Vertical Bar, or in another visualization / known plugin?
My requests again:
• All bars should be sorted by date (and only by date)
• Each bar should be colored based on its status
• Mouse hover should show: time, status and name (I do not want the name and status to interfere with the data sorting)