Visualization - field not available for selection - Kibana

Hello. I have problem with visualization of a filed.
I am trying to import the csv file via Kibana. I am getting the next results:

As you can see a filed "Test" in some reason is red. After I've imported it I wanted to build a horizontal bar. It works well for all field expect for the "Test" field. I just don't see it in drop down menu.

Here is my index settings:

  "number_of_shards": 1

Here is mappings:

  "DataSource": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Duration(seconds)": {
    "type": "double"
  "EndTimeRun": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "FileName": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Keyword": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "StartTimeRun": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Status": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Status2": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "SuiteName": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Test": {
    "type": "text"
  "Type": {
    "type": "keyword"

And is here an ingest pipeline:

  "description": "Ingest pipeline created by file structure finder",
  "processors": [
      "csv": {
        "field": "message",
        "target_fields": [
        "separator": "\t",
        "ignore_missing": false
      "convert": {
        "field": "Duration(seconds)",
        "type": "double",
        "ignore_missing": true
      "remove": {
        "field": "message"

I've noticed that for the "Test" field a type is "text". I changed it into "keyword" but I still have the same problem.

Finally here is context of my file:

SuiteName	Test	Status	Keyword	Status2	Duration(seconds)	StartTimeRun	EndTimeRun	Type	FileName	DataSource
0SmokeTest	Test For Query Filter 13401	PASS	BuiltIn.Run Keywords	PASS	14	20200619 21:58:05.823	20200611 21:58:20.647	setup	output-20200619.xml	Laptop
0SmokeTest	Test For Query Filter 13401	PASS	MEjiraRPALibrary.Wait For Query Results	PASS	0.01	20200611 21:59:49.245	20200619 21:58:49.246	w	output-20200619.xml	Laptop
0SmokeTest	Test For Query Filter 13401	PASS	BuiltIn.Run Keywords	PASS	0.17	20200619 21:58:52.648	20200611 21:23:52.825	teardown	output-20200619.xml	Laptop
0SmokeTest	Test For loading Dashboard 125503 after login	PASS	BuiltIn.Run Keywords	PASS	15	20200611 21:11:52.826	20200619 21:59:08.324	setup	output-20200619.xml	Laptop
MEJiraPerfBenchmarks	Test 1 For Query Filter	PASS	BuiltIn.Run Keywords	PASS	0.13	20200622 20:18:53.391	20200621 20:18:53.534	down	output-20200622.xml	Laptop
Test 1 For Query Filter	MEJiraPerfBenchmarksresource.Test For Query Filter	PASS	SeleniumLibrary.Go To	PASS	3.8	20200621 20:11:26.584	20200622 20:18:31.372	w	output-20200622.xml	Laptop

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Using keyword instead of text as the type helped make those fields as aggregatable. One also needs to either refresh the Index Patterns under Management or restart Kibana to reflect the changes. Simply refreshing the visualize tab wont help.

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