Visualizing Dynamic Fields On Kibana

Hi there !

To perform a technical analysis of hibernate stacks on our systems we had to store data as dynamic fields on ES.

We have something like this :

hibernate.entity10.fetchcount number
hibernate.entity10.loadcount number string string
hibernate.entity11.fetchcount number
hibernate.entity11.loadcount number string string
and so on. Each entity is dynamicly stored

That's already a great help to perform search in Discover mode like this :


This works great, but to go further does anyone have an idea on how we could explore this data in Visualize mode ?

Is there any way to be able to make a graph with the 10 most fetched entities (knowing the field entity is dynamic and not static as it should usualy be) ?

Thanks for your insights !

No, you have to split out the values into separate fields with the correct data types you want to plot over prior to visualizing them. Kibana currently does not provide a way to extract values from raw messages.

There are some discuss posts around this and possible solutions you may want to explore:


Thank you very much rashmi for your reply it's a good starting point !

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