Visualizing funnels in Kibana

Ah well its actually more complex than this.

In my first example, this is how it would be broken down algorithmically:

  1. Bucket everyone (lets say they are identified by IP Address), that hit the Home page into group P1.
  2. Now from P1, take everyone that subsequently hit the Results page (after the Home page) and put them into P2.
  3. Now from P2, take everyone that subsequently hit the Detail page (after the Home page -> Results) and put them into P3.
  4. Now from P3, take everyone that subsequently hit the Checkout page (after the Home page -> Results -> Detail) and put them into P4.

Note that Pn is conditional on P(n-1), for n > 1.

Now graph P1, P2, P3, P4 as a histogram.

I think we will be able to execute this kind of query with the Pipeline Aggregations -- -- in ES 2.0?

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