Wait until there is a specific message


let's say I have the following lines in my logs:

Message: msisdn: 111111111
Message: msisdn: 222222222
Answer: msisdn: 111111111
Answer: msisdn: 222222222

Now, whenever I get a Message, I'd like to wait for X seconds (and, of course, continue process other lines). If within this time period I get the matching Answer (i.e. with the same msisdn), mark it as OK, else mark it as ERROR.

How can I do that?


I'm pretty sure you need to write a custom filter plugin for this.

I really hoped that I won't have to write plugins but thanks :wink:

Maybe I should save the data in elastcsearch and than periodically search for Messages without Answers. Do you think it's a good idea?

Thanks again

Maybe I should save the data in elastcsearch and than periodically search for Messages without Answers. Do you think it's a good idea?

Sure, that should work but I don't think there's a way to ask such a query efficiently so depending on the amount of data you may have to use clever caching to avoid flooding the ES server with queries.

Oh, I think I found something in the documentation.
The aggregate filter with "push_map_as_event_on_timeout".

It's on this page (Example #3):

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