Waiting for Marvel Data.... No Data

Jason / Yang,

It's missing a leading {, so it's not valid JSON (just a typo).

FYI, the workaround should work for a lot of things, but it is actually missing data ("source_node"), which is the reason that we had to rename the index. Having the appropriate versions on both ends is highly recommended instead.

Hope that helps,

So the correct syntax should be:

curl -XPOST http://p-es-1:9200/_aliases -d ' {
"actions": {
"add": {
"index": ".marvel-es-data-1",
"alias": ".marvel-es-data"

I fixed the JSON. Sorry about that.

Like @pickypg said the best way is to update the versions on both ends. What I have is just a workaround, in case you want to bring back your dashboards fast. Otherwise you will see weird node names like below:

I must still be missing something. When I run the following:

curl -XPOST "http://p-es-1:9200/_aliases" -d '{"actions": {{"add": {"index": ".marvel-es-data-1", "alias": ".marvel-es-data" }}}}'