[warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)

I'm installing elasticsearch, kibana and fluentd in kubernetes with helm chart Elasticsearch and kibana pods stand up smoothly, but fluentd pods don't stand up I get the following errors:

2023-06-13 13:29:39 +0000 [warn]: #0 [filter_kube_metadata] !! The environment variable 'K8S_NODE_NAME' is not set to the node name which can affect the API server and watch efficiency !!
2023-06-13 13:29:39 +0000 [info]: adding match in @KUBERNETES pattern="**" type="relabel"
2023-06-13 13:29:39 +0000 [info]: adding filter in @DISPATCH pattern="**" type="prometheus"
2023-06-13 13:29:39 +0000 [info]: adding match in @DISPATCH pattern="**" type="relabel"
2023-06-13 13:29:39 +0000 [info]: adding match in @OUTPUT pattern="**" type="elasticsearch"
2023-06-13 13:29:41 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)
2023-06-13 13:29:41 +0000 [warn]: #0 Remaining retry: 14. Retry to communicate after 2 second(s).
2023-06-13 13:29:45 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)
2023-06-13 13:29:45 +0000 [warn]: #0 Remaining retry: 13. Retry to communicate after 4 second(s).
2023-06-13 13:29:53 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)
2023-06-13 13:29:53 +0000 [warn]: #0 Remaining retry: 12. Retry to communicate after 8 second(s).

command for elasticsearch
helm install elasticsearch-master elastic/elasticsearch -n efk
command for fluentd
helm install fluentd fluent/fluentd --set elasticsearch.password=22qz66p1gsr8ELA1 -n efk
command for kibana
helm install kibana elastic/kibana -n efk

elasticsearch image:

Image:       docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.5.1
Ports:       9200/TCP, 9300/TCP
Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP

kibana image:

  Image:      docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:8.5.1
    Port:       5601/TCP
    Host Port:  0/TCP

fluentd image:

Image:      fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset:v1.15.2-debian-elasticsearch7-1.0
Port:       24231/TCP
Host Port:  0/TCP

fluentd config map elasticsearch output

04_outputs.conf: |-
    <label @OUTPUT>
      <match **>
        @type elasticsearch
        host elasticsearch-master
        port 9200
        path ""
        user elastic
        password 22qz66p1gsr8ELA1

How can I fix

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