cluster is running on kubernetes
Heap size is 31 gb
tracks: geopoint
1 data node : 31gb heap, 16 vcpu
1 master node : 31gb heap, 16vcpu
index-append error rate is 0.00%
Kindly help, why am i getting this error
I don't see any error in logs as well
____ ____
3: / __ \____ _/ / /_ __
3: / /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
3: / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
3: /_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
3: /____/
3: [INFO] Decompressing track data from [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json.bz2] to [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json] (resulting size: [2.28] GB) ... [OK]
3: [INFO] Preparing file offset table for [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json] ... [OK]
3: Running delete-index [100% done]
Running create-index [100% done]
Running check-cluster-health [100% done]
Running index-append [100% done]
Running refresh-after-index [100% done]
Running force-merge [100% done]
Running refresh-after-force-merge [100% done]
Running wait-until-merges-finish [100% done]
Running polygon [100% done]
Running bbox [100% done]
Running distance [100% done]
Running distanceRange [100% done][INFO] Racing on track [geopoint], challenge [append-no-conflicts] and car ['external'] with version [8.2.0].
3: ------------------------------------------------------
3: _______ __ _____
3: / ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________
3: / /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
3: / __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
3: /_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
3: ------------------------------------------------------
3: Metric,Task,Value,Unit
3: Cumulative indexing time of primary shards,,12.6378,min
3: Min cumulative indexing time across primary shards,,2.44865,min
3: Median cumulative indexing time across primary shards,,2.47545,min
3: Max cumulative indexing time across primary shards,,2.7270833333333333,min
3: Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards,,0,min
3: Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Cumulative merge time of primary shards,,0.005716666666666667,min
3: Cumulative merge count of primary shards,,5,
3: Min cumulative merge time across primary shards,,0.0004333333333333333,min
3: Median cumulative merge time across primary shards,,0.00065,min
3: Max cumulative merge time across primary shards,,0.0027166666666666667,min
3: Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards,,0,min
3: Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards,,0,min
3: Cumulative refresh time of primary shards,,0.4688333333333333,min
3: Cumulative refresh count of primary shards,,40,
3: Min cumulative refresh time across primary shards,,0.08556666666666667,min
3: Median cumulative refresh time across primary shards,,0.09646666666666667,min
3: Max cumulative refresh time across primary shards,,0.0972,min
3: Cumulative flush time of primary shards,,2.03135,min
3: Cumulative flush count of primary shards,,15,
3: Min cumulative flush time across primary shards,,0.39188333333333336,min
3: Median cumulative flush time across primary shards,,0.4111333333333333,min
3: Max cumulative flush time across primary shards,,0.42086666666666667,min
3: Total Young Gen GC time,,1.502,s
3: Total Young Gen GC count,,47,
3: Total Old Gen GC time,,0,s
3: Total Old Gen GC count,,0,
3: Store size,,3.163294860161841,GB
3: Translog size,,2.561137080192566e-07,GB
3: Heap used for segments,,0,MB
3: Heap used for doc values,,0,MB
3: Heap used for terms,,0,MB
3: Heap used for norms,,0,MB
3: Heap used for points,,0,MB
3: Heap used for stored fields,,0,MB
3: Segment count,,97,
3: error rate,index-append,0.00,%
3: Min Throughput,polygon,2.00,ops/s
3: Mean Throughput,polygon,2.00,ops/s
3: Median Throughput,polygon,2.00,ops/s
3: Max Throughput,polygon,2.01,ops/s
3: 50th percentile latency,polygon,34.06202851328999,ms
3: 90th percentile latency,polygon,35.03835282754153,ms
3: 99th percentile latency,polygon,36.454293074784836,ms
3: 100th percentile latency,polygon,43.34578406997025,ms
3: 50th percentile service time,polygon,32.78130997205153,ms
3: 90th percentile service time,polygon,33.77172515029088,ms
3: 99th percentile service time,polygon,34.83832438359972,ms
3: 100th percentile service time,polygon,41.91419004928321,ms
3: error rate,polygon,0.00,%
3: Min Throughput,bbox,2.00,ops/s
3: Mean Throughput,bbox,2.01,ops/s
3: Median Throughput,bbox,2.01,ops/s
3: Max Throughput,bbox,2.01,ops/s
3: 50th percentile latency,bbox,42.071087984368205,ms
3: 90th percentile latency,bbox,44.00668186135591,ms
3: 99th percentile latency,bbox,54.396707259584225,ms
3: 100th percentile latency,bbox,55.51117891445756,ms
3: 50th percentile service time,bbox,40.859389933757484,ms
3: 90th percentile service time,bbox,42.89666726253927,ms
3: 99th percentile service time,bbox,53.70071197277866,ms
3: 100th percentile service time,bbox,53.93424991052598,ms
3: error rate,bbox,0.00,%
3: Min Throughput,distance,5.01,ops/s
3: Mean Throughput,distance,5.01,ops/s
3: Median Throughput,distance,5.01,ops/s
3: Max Throughput,distance,5.01,ops/s
3: 50th percentile latency,distance,11.564237996935844,ms
3: 90th percentile latency,distance,12.179009604733437,ms
3: 99th percentile latency,distance,14.521090824855493,ms
3: 100th percentile latency,distance,14.75015701726079,ms
3: 50th percentile service time,distance,10.548858088441193,ms
3: 90th percentile service time,distance,11.092877946794033,ms
3: 99th percentile service time,distance,13.455560109578073,ms
3: 100th percentile service time,distance,13.488444034010172,ms
3: error rate,distance,0.00,%
3: Min Throughput,distanceRange,0.50,ops/s
3: Mean Throughput,distanceRange,0.50,ops/s
3: Median Throughput,distanceRange,0.50,ops/s
3: Max Throughput,distanceRange,0.50,ops/s
3: 50th percentile latency,distanceRange,1219.5492314640433,ms
3: 90th percentile latency,distanceRange,1234.1301434440538,ms
3: 99th percentile latency,distanceRange,1242.6772359397728,ms
3: 100th percentile latency,distanceRange,1252.7494929963723,ms
3: 50th percentile service time,distanceRange,1217.9977719206363,ms
3: 90th percentile service time,distanceRange,1232.5072522158735,ms
3: 99th percentile service time,distanceRange,1241.182112590177,ms
3: 100th percentile service time,distanceRange,1250.9003090672195,ms
3: error rate,distanceRange,0.00,%
3: [WARNING] No throughput metrics available for [index-append]. Likely cause: The benchmark ended already during warmup.
3: [INFO] Race id is [7511a44f-8e47-4070-ae1d-41546331e905]
3: ----------------------------------
3: [INFO] SUCCESS (took 1133 seconds)
3: ----------------------------------