Watcher Fails or gets stuck posting to Slack

I have a watch that posts to slack as an action. When it is triggered it occasionally works (for a few days then just stops randomly), however, most of the time it fails. Any ideas?

Below is the error and stack trace

"id": "notify-slack",
"type": "slack",
"status": "failure",
"slack": {
"account": "monitoring",
"sent_messages": [
"status": "failure",
"reason": "SSLHandshakeException[ PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target]; nested: ValidatorException[PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target]; nested: SunCertPathBuilderException[unable to find valid certification path to requested target];

Finally today it flat out got stuck in execution, stack trace is below:

            " Method)",



are there any stack traces in your master node log file for the time being?

Did you change any of the http connection/readtimeouts that can be configured as a global default? Settings I talk about are watcher.http.default_connection_timeout and watcher.http.default_read_timeout

Also you can try and restart watcher using the /_watcher/restart endpoint to clear out the stuck watches.
