Watcher Trigger Running on Sunday although cron set for MON-FRI

Hello - I have setup a watcher to run between MON-FRI from 0600-1900 every 30mins. The cron job is adjusted for the -6 UTC time based on our current system time profile. The job should only run MON-FRI but I am seeing the watch run on Sunday from 1800-1900. Is my cron string not formatted correctly thus causing the issue? Or could this be a bug in adjusting for UTC time? Below is my cron time string

  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "cron": "0 */30 12-1 ? * MON-FRI"

Watcher job execution history showing Sunday runs


Could you please confirm if this is seen on Every Sunday?


Yes - its happening every Sunday. I made the cron schedule change on 11-12-2024 and it first occurred on 11-17-2024 then again this past Sunday


As per the URL can you try to use below :

0 0/30 6-18 ? * MON-FRI


Appreciate your response but the 6-18 hour would schedule the watch to run during the hours of 0000 - 1200 (central time zone US). Reason I have my cron hour set to 12-1 to account for the 6 hour UTC time difference.