What can be used to fetch files from one location and store it in elasticsearch

I would like to know which techinque can be used to fetch the files from certain location and store it in elastic seach

What kind of files?

  • Logs? -> Look at filebeat
  • PDF, MSOffice, ... ? -> Look at FSCrawler

Thanks for the reply.
Is there any documentation for FSCrawler?
Can we use FSCrawler to fetch files from ftp location and store in elastic search?
I need some example for that. can u please help me with that


Not directly yet.

You can mount hopefully your dir instead and use the "local FS" instead.

Thanks.Right now I need to fetch files from ftp location only.
So is there any other way to fecth files from ftp and store in Elastic search?

Not anything I'm aware of.

Okay thanks

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