What happened to the .Net client?

OK it's been a bit since I coded against elasticsearch. Now it looks like there is a new client to replace nest. But the documentation is severely lacking. I don't see any examples of code except for the most basic stuff. Is elasticsearch abandoning .net? The client has changed so much that it seems any knowledge I had of version 7 is completely useless in version 8. Can you please post some better documentation?

Hi @Eric_Paul,

Welcome back! Thanks for sharing your feedback on the .Net client examples. I agree there is a significant change in the client from version 7 to 8 of the client. This is due to a redesign.

We have had feedback from others too that more examples would be helpful with the .Net client, and they are very much lacking at the moment. I do agree, and I get the frustration. We have raised it back to the team and are looking to improve the examples.

Appreciate you taking the time to give feedback!

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I did finally manage to figure it out but it took a lot of pouring through source to find the answers. I hope they catch up on the documentation soon. Our company's preferred doc/json db is elasticsearch but as a .net shop it would be difficult for me to recommend building new solutions around elasticsearch 8. Thanks for passing the info along.

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