What is the default password for elasticsearch 8 alpha2


I am trying Elasticsearch 8 alpha release 2 version in docker container.
can anyone provide me the default password/doc on this.


found myself.. posting with variable like docker run --rm -d -e ELASTIC_PASSWORD="test"


I believe it's autogenerated and you should be able to see it in logs. Isn't that the case?

have a look at: Elastic Stack 8.0.0-alpha2 Up and Running

While Elasticsearch is (hopefully) starting up correctly and a good amount of logging information is scrolling by, watch out for a block similar to this:


Password for the elastic user is: 2FdhvjxANfpCudI7URy4

Password for the kibana_system user is: E0elIR=kUbVka7f4AHZs

Please note these down as they will not be shown again.

You can use 'bin/elasticsearch-reset-elastic-password' at any time
in order to reset the password for the elastic user.

You can use 'bin/elasticsearch-reset-kibana-system-password' at any time
in order to reset the password for the kibana_system user.


Thank you. I have noticed it now.

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