I have written some code that should look for text and return results from Elastic Search. Search looks at multiple fields. The results don't match to what I get if I search for the same text in kibana. So I am trying to understand how my code is different than what happens in kibana. Any ideas? Here is my code to search
mediaResponse = elastic.Search<Articles>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Bool(b => b
.Must(m => m
.MultiMatch(mm => mm.Fields
f => f
.Field(fn => fn.Title)
.Field(fn => fn.Content)
.Field(fn => fn.Description)
//.MinimumShouldMatch(new MinimumShouldMatch("75%")))
&& q.DateRange(dr => dr.Field(f => f.Pubdate).GreaterThanOrEquals(StartDate).LessThanOrEquals(EndDate))